Scuderia 1918 Calle Deluxe


Show Jumping

Birth Year:


Gender and Colour:

Gelding, Bay


Giulia Martinengo Marquet


This is a young and very talented horse. Scuderia 1918 Calle Deluxe tackles tracks like a real expert. He is precise, fast and has great determination.


1st place CSIO3* 150

Gorla Minore, 2023

1st place CSI5* 150

St. Tropez, 2022

2nd place CSIO5* 150

Piazza di Siena, 2022


The Rise of Scuderia 1918 Calle Deluxe and Giulia Martinengo Marquet in Show Jumping

In the highly competitive world of international show jumping, the partnership between Scuderia 1918 Calle Deluxe and Giulia Martinengo Marquet has been one of steady progress, culminating in impressive results on the global stage.  After the stunning performance of the combination at the Stuttgart German Masters, it’s time to explore the development of Scuderia 1918…

WeekRecap: Team Italy wins la EEF Nations Cup in Warsaw

Giulia Martinengo Marquet and Scuderia 1918 Calle Deluxe, with their teammates Piergiorgio Bucci, Emanuele Camilli and Alberto Zorzi, brought Italy at the lead of the EEF Nations Cup Final in Warsaw! With this outstanding performance, Team Italy is officially back in the Longines League Of Nations. Congratulations, Team!

Week Recap: Rotterdam Highlights

Team France triumph in the Longines League of Nations The fantastic France, led by Chef d’Equipe Henk Nooren, triumphed in the Rotterdam leg of the Longines League of Nations™ with a flawless score of zero penalties. A standout in the formidable French team was Kevin Staut with Scuderia 1918 Viking d’La Rousserie, who achieved a…